Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It snowed here...

I live in the mid atlantic - we get a few 3-4 inch storms here per season - and then about every 10 years we get a blizzard but this year so far we have had three blizzards. It has been all OVER the news - I know this because stuck in the house because of said blizzard rather than being able to watch a little mindless TV - NO I had to have endless snow coverage. Dear Newpeople - I got it record breaking snow - GIVE it a freaking break. Daisy only got out once to model her snow suit.

Her lounging around apres ski clothes are way cuter...


Julia Dunnit said...

Oh she's such a cutie! Snow. Humbug. Am more fed up of bad weather than I ever thought I'd be. And FYI, we (as in this particular pocket of Britain) have got off really lightly!

Niki said...

Man, that snowsuit pic is super adorable!