Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Why am I glad?

I have so much to be glad for...

Glad I live in a time when a girl like me can have a career (can't spell it but I can have it)

and buy my own house and have good credit so I can have cute shoes and purses

and so glad that I work for a company where we treat people like family!

and so glad that I work with other girls who are nice, and care about each other

so glad that I have friends who make me laugh out loud, and surprise me with little gifts and read my blog and comment (shameless plug)

so glad that the internet and cell phones keep me in touch with people all over the world

and amazingly glad that my mom is my best friend.

and amazingly glad that there are people who get me and all my wackiness.


Kristin said...

how cute are you? I love my mom too!!!

Chiara said...

isn't it great when us girls get along with our moms.

browneyedgirl said...

You rock my world girl. I can't wait to see you in a few short weeks. We need to make this a two annual scrap trip minimum anual thing. Get me? Sure you do, we are twins separated at birth. LOL

Miss you lots, not so busy today so I'm catching up on my swaps and stuff.
